Loren Hosting — 3 Ways IP Lawyers Can Organically Build A Twitter Following.

2 min readOct 12, 2021
Photo by Brett Jordan from Pexels

There’s lots of discussion in the legal world as to whether Twitter is actually useful for capturing potential clients. Our take, is that Twitter can be a great platform for Media and Intellectual Property lawyers to win clients if you’re creative and willing, just don’t bank on it being your main channel for leads as prospectives on twitter are not looking for lawyers at the moment of engagement. They are the platform looking to be entertained or educated.

Here are a few pointers.

Create content that your clients actually find useful.

This may sound obvious, but are you actually creating marketing that your clients will find useful? You really ought to have valuable content for your followers that is worthy of sharing and talking about. This type of content should be things that will benefit your clients career, projects or knowledge base. Avoid anything that is too generic and focus on things that will truly help your client in their day to day lives. Remember to add a bit of personality and create a personal touch. To save time use software like Hootsuite (free for up to five social media networks) when you can post content in front of your audience when they are most likely to see it.

Test twitter for best posting times.

You’d be surprised how many companies post at random times during the day and receive hardly any interaction as a result. Have you ever actually tested the best time to post on twitter? Have you attempted to find out what actually happens when you post first thing in the morning in comparison to last thing before home time? Is your B2B professional audience most proactive on twitter during lunch hour? Test by using twitter’s analytics dashboard to explore what you highest tweets are, and their levels of engagement. It is important that you begin to optimise everything you do when it comes to your marketing, in order to be more cost effective.

Interact with and comment on relevant ‘professional’ tweets.

Professionalism is paramount with legal services, however this does not mean your social media account should be a cold display of professionalism. Appoint someone from you firm, or perhaps you can all take it in turns to alternate the use of your twitter account and interact with influential users in Television & Film or Mechanical Engineering space etc. Of course, you want to avoid making comments that may put your firm into difficulties with regards to your reputation, but getting headlong into interesting conversations is key to building transparency, authenticity and like-ability to your firm.

If you found this content useful or would like more tips on marketing your media & intellectual property law firm, head to LorenHosting.com

